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BrainThoughtWordSay » A webcomic
This is a web comic about the fake life of it's real creators. Responsibility and imagination collide in funny observations about the modern world. Set in the strange lands of Canada it stars Matt Loeb and Lunchbox as they fumble through young adulthood. Sometimes getting fired means having to go find Bigfoot. Nexflix only has the Canadian version of House MD, and for some reason the local pizza place seems staffed with only people resembling famous dictators. The world of Brain Thought Word Say is a weird one, but a ton of fun. while still a young web comic, Brain Thought Word Say updates twice a week with monthly triple large sunday style strips.
Meta Keywords
webcomic, web comic, comic strip, Canadian, satire, dry humour, bigfoot, matt loeb,
Date added
Friday 07, 2014
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